Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Merry "Hoo" Christmas

I know that I have a bunch more December posts that should come before this one, but I had to share this . The girls were having a sing-a-long in school today. The 6th grade, and Bailee sang "Santa's Got A Hot Rod" I have never heard this song, but it was cute.

And the 4th grade and Preslee sang "Where Are You Christmas" from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
The night before, Preslee said she wanted "Woo hair", so in the morning I had the stuff out and she was chickening out. She didn't want to be the only one with the woo hair. So we round up the 4th grade girls that walk to school with our girls, and I did a lot of fast woo hair. It turned out WAY cute and I went to the sing-a-long and they all looked the best :)

And the back.